High Altitude Test Kitchen

An experimental space for half-baked stuff.

Here is the man who makes it all happen

bert man behind my birthday

 Bert Leuters, quietly working behind the scenes.

Spam Balls

This Thanksgiving……………make it special…..nothing dresses a table like —




spam balls


The recipe for these beauties is at


and that’s where I got the image also.

Beauty pageants had wizards

Beauty pageants had wizards back in the 20’s. Or wait, maybe that’s King Neptune.



Root vegetables for my root chakra

These will help balance the energies of my root chakra, right?



Do I need to slice and apply directly to the area, or do I just eat them?

I better wear them.

Pepsi cups were cool

I remember the cup on the far right. I probably drank out of it.

A lot of design went into these cups. A lot of frickin’ design!!!

pepsi cups

vintage Pepsi cups

Why do today’s cups, by contrast, look like they were produced by a machine?

Because they practically were.



Hello I’m waving!


I’m just a pickle and a peck of wholesome

With an armpit as big as the sky

I’m the lump in your throat

the reason you believe in America

Fine, don’t turn and wave back

See if I care

I’ll go back into the house and undo my apron

I’ll finish my coffee

off with a jigger of whisky


Craig and his horse


It’ll be a long walk back to the car

Bless the electronic devices

…that are always lit:

the VHS

the Blue Ray

the Game Cube

the antenna converter box

the Droid…



Summer’s Over


WP_20140705_001 (1)

Dead cricket on a porch in western Kansas